
All your questions, answered

Common questions

  • How can I add more than 1 additional seat to my team?

  • Why is Swipekit so expensive?

  • What Ad Libraries can I save Ads from?

  • How does this work?

  • Are the ads really saved inside Swipekit?

  • Does Swipekit support multiple accounts?

  • What permissions does the extension need

  • How can I share boards with my teammates?

  • If I create a board, can my team mates add Ads to that board?

  • Why does the Save to Swipekit button disappear on Tiktok?

The easiest way to save and store ads forever

Get started today and see how easy it is to save Ads.

14 Day Free Trial Priority Support Ads are stored forever
Start Saving Ads today!

Sabri Suby



Clothing (Brand)Apparel

ClickCease by CHE..
