Sabri Suby



Clothing (Brand)Apparel

ClickCease by CHE..


Miro Miro



Save Ads easily,
Store for eternity

Save Ads from the Meta™ Ad library, Linkedin™ Ad library, Tiktok™ Creative center or our private database of 100,000+ Ads.

Trusted by +100 customers


Ads saved everyday
by our users


Total Ads saved


Chrome extension installs

At its core, Swipekit allows your Agency to quickly save Ads from the Facebook Ad Library, Tiktok Creative Center/Feed and Linkedin.

Beyond this, Swipekit helps you organize Ads by giving you an extensive range of filters, adds extra metadata to your saved Ads - for competitor analysis and finding high performing creatives, and much more.


Meet your personal Ad library

Every ad you'll ever save will show up in your Swipekit Dashboard.

Swipefile Library

Create your personal Swipefile library

Save Ads and access them anytime from your Swipefile Library. Build your internal Agency swipefile!

  • Save unlimited Ads

    There's no limit to how many Ads you can save. And all of 'em will be saved forever.
  • Add users to your Workspace

    You can add users to your workspace. They can add unlimited Ads and boards too!
  • Tag Ads

    Teammates can tag Ads with relevant context, eg: UGC Ads, Fall fashion for {client name}, Skincare UGCs, etc.
  • Bulk edit Ads

    Bulk edit Ads and add them in boards or tag them. You can also export Ads as csv too.

Your Data, your rules

Unlike other products, Swipekit allows you to export your data whenever you like.

  • Export Assets

    Quickly export Ad assets
  • Export as CSV

    Bulk export Ads as CSV data, via the bulk edit menu

Support that cares

By joining us, enjoy supporting an indie project that cares for customer satisfaction than profiles.

Almost all of our features were recommended by our users.

  • Ask for help anytime

    You can contact us via the chat support widget. Accordng to, our average response time is under an hour!

The easiest way to save and store ads forever

Get started today and see how easy it is to save Ads.

14 Day Free Trial Priority Support Ads are stored forever
Start Saving Ads today!

Sabri Suby



Clothing (Brand)Apparel

ClickCease by CHE..
