Sabri Suby



Clothing (Brand)Apparel

ClickCease by CHE..


Miro Miro



Save Ads easily,
Store for eternity

Save Ads from the Meta™ Ad library, Linkedin™ Ad library, Tiktok™ Creative center or our private database of 100,000+ Ads.

Trusted by +100 customers


Ads saved everyday
by our users


Total Ads saved


Chrome extension installs

How can Swipekit help you?

Learn why marketing agencies to freelance media buyers use Swipekit.


Save Winning Ads

Build your private collection of ad inspo.

  • Easily filter through your Ads

    No matter if you have 100 or 1000 Ads, easily filter through them.
  • Organize Ads by boards

    Use Boards to group Ads. For instance, you can have a specific board for each client, each project, etc.
Competitor analysis

Spy on your competitor's Ads

Save your competitor's Ads from Ad libraries using Swipekit

  • Save from the Facebook Ad Library, Tiktok Creative Center or Linkedin Ad Library

    Our robust Chrome extension turns this process into a 1 click affair!
  • Ad assets and metadata are saved forever

    Even if an Ad is removed from the original source, it still remains in your Swipekit account - forever.

Common questions

  • Why is Swipekit so expensive?

  • What Ad Libraries can I save Ads from?

  • How does this work?

  • Are the ads really saved inside Swipekit?

  • How can I share boards with my teammates?

The easiest way to save and store ads forever

Get started today and see how easy it is to save Ads.

14 Day Free Trial Priority Support Ads are stored forever
Start Saving Ads today!

Sabri Suby



Clothing (Brand)Apparel

ClickCease by CHE..
