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How to find UGC Creators?

By Shash7. Posted under guides Posted on 26th Jan, 2023 - Updated on 26th Jan, 2023

How to find UGC Creators? - Blog post banner image for Swipekit

Got a new brief in? Want to run UGC Ads for a client? Say no more.

In this article, I'll show you 3 easy ways to find find UGC(User generated content) Creators easily.

1) Use Twitter to find creators

Lots of UGC Creators hang out on Twitter these days. They have `<name> | UGC Creator` as their Twitter name.

Which means that simply trying `UGC Creator` inside Twitter's search will yield heaps of UGC Creators.

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2) Use Facebook to find creators

Search for UGC groups on facebook. You'll find a ton of them. Here are some:

Facebook can be great for finding creators. Unfortunately its hard vetting them. I've personally found better quality creators on Twitter.

3) Using Tiktok to find creators

With Twitter, you may find heaps of creators but you still need to vet them. Why not go directly to the source? AKA Tiktok.

Here's a great technique to find creators in your specific niche.

Let's say you're running a skincare brand. Search for other competitor skincare brands on Tiktok. Here, I'll viewing Curology's Tiktok account.

I Immediately found the creator who made the video, inside Curology's account page. Now just reach out to the creator and get some UGCs done.

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This is a great since the creator is already experienced with making videos in your specific niche.

Quick plug — I built Swipekit, a Chrome extension to save videos from Tiktok and Facebook. With Swipekit, you can save videos instantly from Tiktok.

Even better, Swipekit also saved heaps of metadata about the video including views, shares, etc. So you can quickly nail down high performant videos.

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I saved the Curology video using Swipekit and along with the video creative, I also got the text, likes, comments and shares.


Finding UGC creators isn't hard. You just need to look in the right places. Hopefully this article has been helpful for kickstarting your UGC pipeline.

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